Central Vermont Supervisory Union
Mission Statement
The CVSU community of schools is committed to cultivating within all our students the knowledge, skills, and character essential to becoming purposeful, productive and engaged members of their world.
To achieve this mission, the Central Vermont Supervisory Union will uphold a united cultures across the communities of CVSU and coordinate services to:
- Ensure a physically and emotionally safe learning environment that fosters mutual respect and the creation of healthy relationships;
- Provide high-quality learning experiences that authentically engage all students;
- Develop and support creative and resilient thinkers and problem solvers;
- Foster opportunities for members of the CVSU family to meaningfully contribute, individually and collectively, to school and community life;
- Foster an understanding of and engagement in the democratic process of local, state, and national government as citizens committed to positively affecting their society;
- Develop in our schools, habits of leadership and ethical decision-making;
- Inspire students to confidently advocate for and design growth experiences that help them define who they are and where they are headed as individuals;
- Provide opportunities for students to acquire the essential skills they will need to lead independent and productive lives;
- Craft learning opportunities that nurture environmental stewardship;
- Ensure that our students meet or exceed state and national academic standards;
- Hire and cultivate a team of compassionate, creative, and innovative personnel;
- Foster leadership that promotes innovation, equity, sustainability, and the responsible use of all available community resources.