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 "The CVSU community of schools is committed to cultivating within all our students the knowledge, skills, and character essential to becoming purposeful, productive, and engaged members of their world."

CVSU Mission Statement

The Central Vermont Supervisory Union (CVSU) is the administrative, planning, and educational support unit for the Echo Valley Community School District and Paine Mountain School District.

Echo Valley Community School District serves the towns of Orange and Washington.

Washington Village School- Echo Valley Elementary (pK-4)
Orange Center School- Echo Valley Middle (5-8)

Paine Mountain School District serves the towns of Northfield and Williamstown.

Northfield Elementary School (pK-5) 
Northfield Middle and High School (6-12)
Williamstown Elementary School (pK-5)
Williamstown Middle High School (6-12)

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Outdoor learning

Our students had a wonderful day outdoors learning all about the different color leaves and why they fall to the ground this time of year.

Group learning

Group Learning

Science class.

Science Class

Outdoor Learning

A day of outdoor learning

Music Class Performance

Music Class Performance

Learning in the gazebo

Learning at the Gazebo

Learning music

Exploring The Unknown

Playground Fun

Playground Fun

Soccer under the lights

Soccer Under the Lights

student portraits

Student Art Work

Outdoor learning

Outdoor Learning

students working together

Students Working Together

pumpkin fun

It's Pumkin Carving Time!

Students reading together

Reading Together

Music Recital

Music Recital

students working together

Cooperative Math Time

Science class.

Science Class

Music performers

Music Performers

Apple fun

Apple Fun!

Students learning

It's a great day to be at school.

Blood Drive

Blood Drive

Learning together

Outdoor Learning