Section 504 Compliance
Section 504 Compliance
In compliance with Section 504 Act of 1973 the Central Vermont Supervisory Union provides this notice to all employees, beneficiaries, and the citizens who reside in the member towns of Orange, Washington and Williamstown.
- Central Vermont Supervisory Union is responsible for identifying, evaluating, and affording access to appropriate educational services if a student is found 504 eligible.
- Central Vermont Supervisory Union and its member districts (Paine Mountain and Echo Valley Community) do not discriminate against otherwise qualified individuals who may have handicapping conditions in admission and/or access to education or employment in its programs and activities.
- Any individual with a complaint or concern regarding Central Vermont Supervisory Union’s compliance with Section 504 may seek a resolution through:
Andrea Wasson
Co-Director of School Transformation
Central Vermont Supervisory Union
111B Brush Hill Road
Williamstown, VT 05679, 802-433-1877