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Annual Notification Pertaining to the Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion

Central Vermont Supervisory Union makes every effort to establish and maintain a positive and safe learning environment in order to promote academic achievement and positive social, emotional, and behavioral development. By providing multi-tiered support systems focused on positive behavioral interventions and supports, we promote the use of positive behaviors and prevent unsafe behaviors. This is accomplished by teaching, prompting and encouraging prosocial behaviors for all students and staff members. For students who struggle to meet behavioral expectations in spite of these things, our school provides a continuum of additional, evidence-based strategies and supports.

The use of physical restraint and seclusion is considered only for rare emergency situations when a student poses an imminent threat of significant physical injury to themselves or others. Our school operates in compliance with Vermont State Rule 4500 regarding the use of restraints and seclusions in schools. These interventions (again, only used when a student poses an imminent threat of significant physical injury) are implemented only as a last resort, after all other less restrictive interventions have been tried, and only by staff members who have been trained to do so. The restraint or seclusion is ended as soon as the student demonstrates that he/she is in unnecessary pain or significant physical distress, as soon as the student’s behavior no longer poses an imminent danger of physical injury, or when less restrictive interventions would be effective in stopping the dangerous behaviors. Following any restraint or seclusion, the student will be evaluated and monitored for the remainder of the school day and a series of reports will be made to ensure that parents/caregivers and the building administrator are informed of the incident. When necessary, reports are also provided to the superintendent of Central Vermont Supervisory Union and to the secretary of Vermont’s Agency of Education. Debriefing in the days following these interventions is provided for the student, for staff members involved, and for parents/caregivers to examine the incident further, to ensure that proper procedures were used, and to examine any follow-up actions that should occur to prevent a similar incident from happening again.

Once again, please understand that our school emphasizes and prioritizes the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports to prevent the need for restraints and seclusions.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our school’s efforts to maintain a positive and safe learning environment, feel free to contact your school principal or the superintendent.

Questions or concerns about the rules governing restraint and seclusion in Vermont schools may be directed to
Tracy Harris, Coordinator for Behavioral Supports, Vermont Agency of Education.
Ms. Harris is available at or (802) 479-1421.