Health Services



                                           Nurse White's Office

    Marci White

    School Nurse

      Ph. 485-4500


             Happiness is when what you think,what you say, and what you do are in harmony.


                     --Mahatma Gandhi


    The School Health Office is located in the main office of the Northfield Middle and High School. Some of the health services available include health appraisal, health counseling, communicable disease control, early identification of health problems, direct nursing care to students with medical needs, and preventative health education. The health office also follows state laws related to immunizations, vision screenings,and child abuse and neglect reporting. Parents and guardians have the right to refuse vision screenings for their child; any parent or guardian who wants to do this should contact the school nurse.


    Parents and Guardians are requested to complete the Interval Health History form at the beginning of every school year and be certain that they are delivered to the main office. The information obtained from these forms is key to providing comprehensive school health servises.


    Illness is common in the middle and high school age group and there are times when a student needs to be excused from school due to physical ailments, injury or severe emotional distress. Most problems, however, are minor or temporary and can be adequately managed at school. We encourage students and families to seek assistance from the school nurse with all health related questions and concerns. These are our general guidelines for keeping a student home from school:

    -fever over 100.4 degrees orally ( students should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.)

    -cough with fever

    -persistent vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours

    -sore throat with fever and enlarged tonsils or glands

    -undetermined rash with fever

    -reddened, itchy eyes with significant purulent drainage

    -severe emotional distress

    -injured students that require round the clock doses of narcotic medication


    An occassional missed school day is usuallynot a major problem but absences should be kept to a minimum.