NWEA MAP-Assessment Information

  • NWEA MAP-Assessment Information









    Northfield Middle & High School utilizes Common Core MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) from the North West Evaluation Association (NWEA) as our Universal Assessment tool to further help us accomplish our Literacy Goal and to help inform instruction in both ELA and Mathematics by helping us identify learning gaps that might exist across the universal student population. MAP testing will be administered in the fall, winter and spring. 


    Grade-independent Common Core MAP interim assessments deliver valid, reliable, and real-time growth and proficiency data.  Their cross-grade item pool lets you assess grade 3 – 12 students who are performing below, on-grade, or above grade level with appropriate levels of challenge that neither bore nor overwhelm. As a result, we get key instructional insights into all student populations—including high- and low-performing students and special needs students.


    Common Core MAP accelerates your transition to CCSS by letting you:

    • inform instructional practices by identifying strengths and opportunities for improvement
    • track student progress from fall to spring
    • predict college readiness
    • generate valid growth data to use when evaluating programs within and across your schools
    • boost your students’ comfort with computer adaptive assessments