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CVSU Technology Office

CVSU Technology Office

WSSU HelpDesk
Welcome to the CVSU Technology Support site. We serve the Paine Mountain and Echo Valley School Districts as well as the Central Vermont Supervisory Union office.

Please use the following options for technical support:

Option 1: Staff and Students who know their CVSU Google account username and password should use the CVSU HelpDesk at this link: A support ticket is generated and sent to the Technology office.

Option 2: Create a support ticket by emailing our team at

Option 3: Contact your school’s technology office using the directory below.

If you are looking for support for Blackboard webpage, please contact Brucie Donahue to set up an appointment.

Thank You,

Your CVSU Technology Team

Student Technology Expectations 2021-22

CVSU Technology Team Directory

Tech Office Shortcuts


CVSU HelpDesk

Use this link to submit IT HelpDesk Requests.

Chromebook Simulator

Learn to use your Chromebook.

Blackboard Website Help

Help website for all things related to our new website hosted by Blackboard Web Community Manager