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JumpRope for Middle High Teachers

Here you will find resources to support you in your use of JumpRope.

If you have any questions or need additional support or training, please contact Brucie Donahue.

Please make sure that you have scores (1-4) in for your students. If a student was assessed and never handed in the assessment, you can use the letter M. That will calculate as a zero in the score. If a student was never assessed on a PI, leave it blank. DO NOT leave X in at the end of the semester. You can enter a 1-4, M, or blank in the place of the X. 

Adding End of Term comments for Report Cards

Teacher comments will appear at the top of the course marks section on the report card.

Please follow the directions that were emailed to you. You can also use the JumpRope directions below.

Here is the Help Document for Duplicating Assessements

What to do when a student moves from 1 class to another

First page of the PDF file: HowTo-EnterClassComments-JumpRopeKnowledgeBase