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Google for Education

GOOGLE for Education

How to end the year with Google Classroom

Google has an awesome resource on Searching with Google.

Click here 

Google Annoucements:

June 2021 - New controls for Meet


if you need to transfer one Google account to another you can go to 

Google Apps image
On this page you will find resources and information about Google for Education

Here is a link to take a 1 page PDF and make it editible for students

How to make PDF editable in Classroom for students

How to work with DocHub to edit a PDF for Students

How to use a Chromebook to take a picture of school work and add it to my GClassroom

TEQ Virtual Summit Presentation on Google Drive and Classroom - August 2020

This is about a 40 minute presentation on Drive and Classroom - It gets staretd about 4 minutes in.

They focus on Effective Organization of Google Drive and Google Classroom


Tips 'n Tricks for ending you Google Classroom for the school year

Cleaning up and organizing your Google Classrooms should be part of your EOY activities. Here are some resources to help you.

This video has 6 suggestions for you consider for ending the year.

Here are the Google Help Docs for Copying and Archiving Classes (mouse over the words to better see the link)

Here are Cheryl Kissel's words on the difference betweeen Copying and Archiving

Just to clarify the difference between copying and archiving:

archiving saves your class as it is now, students, grades, etc. and just makes it inactive. You can still reuse assignments and materials from them (in the Create menu under Classwork). Copying the class makes a new copy of the Classroom, including all of the assignments and materials, save as drafts that you can open, edit, and assign through the coming year. It does not transfer items in the stream or student lists, so you can start fresh with a new Classroom for a new year, but retaining all of the classwork. 
I highly recommend that you do both! Copy your classroom to make it easy to follow basically the same curriculum units next year, and archive the current year class so it's not cluttering up the page of current classes for 2020-21, but is still accessible to you.


Information on Level 1 Certification  - See TTT#12

Going throught this certification will help you in your classroom using Google for Education.

Brand new Google Earth (11/25/19)


Google Drawing - simple directions

more details about how to draw


Google Classroom:

Classroom Basics - link to the Teacher Center

Google Education YouTube Channel


Google Docs:

How to convert a PDF to a Doc? - the easist wy to do this is to upload/drag the Doc to your Drive. then use Open With and select Doc. You will loose any fancy formatting as Docs will only bring in the text. You can try converting the PDF to Word and then into Docs. It does a better job. Read the linked article for more information.


Chromebook Guide for Educators

How to use the Camera on a Chromebook 

How to connect a Chromebook to a projector

How to make a Sites Template for studetns to use


Parent Acess to GClassroom - read here

FAQ on this topic

Guardian Email instructions for teachers


Applied Digital Skills 

Other Tools: 

Read & Write for Chrome - Need to activate the extension


Click here for more information from the site

See video below


Google Sites: use this link


Kaienza - A tool that allows you to add voice comments to a Google Doc

Watch this video

Doctopus & Goobric

Click on this Link to explain how to use these tools

Doctopus is a Google Sheets add-on that “ingests” assignment information from Google Classroom, while the Goobric Chrome extension attaches a digital rubric so teachers can grade and comment on student work within a single browser tab.

Basically, the attached rubric appears at the top of the student’s assignment in Docs, and with a few easy clicks, your individual comments and the rubric data are time stamped and appended to the bottom of the Doc for each student to view. This information is also sent to a Google Sheet for your easy reference and analysis from anywhere at any time.

Here is some information on a great tool called Back-up and Sync

This tools allows you to create a connection to your Google Drive just as if it is a local fine (like your old OneDrive.) So you can put files in a folder that automatically syncs with your drive and you can go there to get files from your drive.

Here is the download - slect the one on the left.


Here is a video to help you.


Becoming a Google certified educator information 


YouTube Help Videos:

Reminders and Tasks


More Resources to help with Distance Learning

Below are resources to help you during the next few weeks:

Google Meet

Information on Google Meet (video conferencing)

Differences between Google Hangout and Meet

Teachers Guide to Google Meet - very helpful for teachers


Using your Gcalendar to set up Office Hours appointments

Link to how to document

It is very important that you set up a new calendar in your calendars (suggested name: Office Hours) and then only share that calendar with the public, otherwise you will have to make your own calendar public and I doubt you want to do that

To see how it works, click here:

Google Slides

Q&A with Slides


Google Classroom

Understanding the relationship between Classroom and Drive


Suggestion for how to have students share projects in Classroom  

What a student sees in Classroom


Oh many emails to manage!

This section will give you some trick and tips for managing your gmail. Below I have 3 videos (a series) that really goes through using filters and lables to help you manage your gmail.

The first minute of the first video isn't very helpful, but after that they get much better. 

Here are some links to some other helpful videos for you to watch and learn how to better manage your  gmail.

7 Gmail settings we should all know - Simpletivity (they have many videos about managing all things Google.

Filters & Labels part 1

Filters & Lables part 2

Filters & Labels part 3

Here is a link to the SlideShow from the Oct 14th VITA-Learn meeting at Montpelier High School

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